
来源:建筑界编辑:黄子俊发布时间:2019-05-05 15:31:21

[摘要] 点击此处,查看其余六篇建筑学硕士论文》》建筑学硕士论文第四篇标题:河南地区城中村升级中生态技术的应用研究本篇文章目录导航:【题目】




【题目】河南地区城中村升级中生态技术的应用研究  【1.1-1.3】城中村改造国内外研究现状分析  【1.4-1.7】生态城中村建设研究的目和研究内容  【2.1】&ldquo城中村&rdquo的形成与发展  【2.2】生态适宜技术理论研究  【2.3-2.4】城中村改建中生态适宜技术运用的特点及意义  【3.1-3.3】&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造现状与思路  【3.4】生态适宜技术在豫北地区传统村落中沉淀  【3.5】生态技术在&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中应用的契机  【4.1-4.2】住区规划中气候的&ldquo用&rdquo与&ldquo防&rdquo  【4.3】&ldquo开放态度&rdquo的建筑单体设计  【4.4】因地因时的&ldquo应变&rdquo设计  【4.5-4.6】传统材料及清洁能源的利用  【参考文献:











China's urban-rural dual structure system and the background of the rapid development of urbanization ,have given rise to China's unique "urban villages" phenomenon. Based on the characteristics of social, economic and environmental aspects, the "urban village" seriously impedes the strategic development of the city, and the transformation of "urban village" is an insurmountable stage of urban development. In the past, the research on the transformation of "urban villages" mainly focuses on the formation mechanism, the policy guidance and the transformation model. Based on the ecological vision, this paper studies the application of ecological appropriate technology in the transformation of "urban village". The article is divided into four parts:

The first part, discuss the research background, define the relevant concepts, analysis the research status at home and abroad, expound the research purpose and meaning, point out the research content and method, draw the research framework, lay the theoretical foundation of the paper.

The second part, firstly analyze the formation, development and morphological characteristics of "urban village", and point out the necessity and the mode of transformation of "urban village". Then discusses the evolution, characteristic expression, system construction and application practice of ecological appropriate technology theory. On the basis of that, point out the characteristics and significance of its application in the transformation of "urban village".

The third part, analysis the existing problems in the transformation of " urban village " in the north area of Henan, through the investigate and survey , and point out the transformation idea. At the same time, provide theoretical and technical guidance for the transformation work, by the investigation of the traditional village. Finally, point out the necessity and possibility of the application of ecological appropriate technology in the transformation of "urban village" in the north area of Henan province.

The fourth part, from the aspects of the ecological system, overall planning, monomer building design, construction, and the use of materials and resources, put forward the ecological appropriate technologies application strategy in the transformation " urban village" in the north area of Henan: including ecological system level optimization, the use and prevention of climate in the residential planning, design of monomers with harmonious environment, strain-based design and the use of traditional materials and clean energy.

In this paper, the application of ecological appropriate technology in the transformation of "urban village" in the north area of Henan province,is used to build friendly and environmental friendly new community, promote the living environment quality for the people in the "urban village" in north area of Henan, provide new ideas for the transformation of "urban village", and expect to enrich the theoretical research of the transformation of "urban village".

Key words:North area of Henan Traditional dwellings Ecological appropriate technology Transformation of "urban village ".


摘要  Abstract  目录  第 1 章 绪论    1.1 研究背景      1.1.1 城市化进程的背景      1.1.2 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造的背景    1.2 相关概念界定      1.2.1 豫北地区的概念      1.2.2 &ldquo城中村&rdquo的概念      1.2.3 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造的概念      1.2.4 生态适宜技术的概念    1.3 国内外研究现状分析      1.3.1 国外研究与实践的启迪与借鉴      1.3.2 国内的研究概况    1.4 研究的目的与意义      1.4.1 研究的目的      1.4.2 研究的意义    1.5 课题研究内容与方法      1.5.1 课题研究的内容      1.5.2 课题研究的方法    1.6 课题研究框架    1.7 课题研究的创新点  第 2 章 &ldquo城中村&rdquo与生态适宜技术理论研究    2.1 &ldquo城中村&rdquo的形成与发展      2.1.1 &ldquo城中村&rdquo形成的原因      2.1.2 &ldquo城中村&rdquo的发展历程      2.1.3 &ldquo城中村&rdquo的形态特征      2.1.4 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造必要性      2.1.5 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造模式    2.2 生态适宜技术理论研究      2.2.1 生态适宜技术理论演变      2.2.2 生态适宜技术理论特征      2.2.3 生态适宜技术理论体系构建      2.2.4 生态适宜技术理论应用实践    2.3 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中生态适宜技术应用的特点及意义      2.3.1 生态适宜技术应用特点&mdash表现与表达      2.3.2 生态适宜技术应用意义    2.4 本章小节  第 3 章 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中挑战与机遇共存    3.1 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造特征研究      3.1.1 豫北地区地理特征      3.1.2 豫北地区气候特征      3.1.3 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo问题特征    3.2 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造现状及问题分析      3.2.1 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造现状分析      3.2.2 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造问题分析    3.3 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造的思路分析      3.3.1 生态设计理念的介入      3.3.2 生态设计理念成功经验借鉴    3.4 生态适宜技术在豫北地区传统村落中沉淀      3.4.1 豫北地区传统村落生态自然观      3.4.2 豫北地区传统村落选址      3.4.3 豫北地区传统村落布局      3.4.4 豫北地区传统村落庭院空间      3.4.5 豫北地区传统民居建筑单体营建生态经验      3.4.6 豫北地区传统民居材料选择生态经验    3.5 生态适宜技术在豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中应用的契机      3.5.1 生态适宜技术应用的必要性      3.5.2 生态适宜技术应用的可能性    3.6 本章小结  第4 章 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中生态适宜技术应用策略    4.1 豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中生态系统等级优化      4.1.1 生态系统等级分类      4.1.2 生态系统等级优化策略    4.2 住区规划中气候的&ldquo用&rdquo与&ldquo防      4.2.1 场地规划      4.2.2 住区内道路设置      4.2.3 住区建筑群体布局      4.2.4 植被应用    4.3 &ldquo开放态度&rdquo的建筑单体设计      4.3.1 &ldquo迁徙      4.3.2 自然通风      4.3.3 气候缓冲层    4.4 因地因时的&ldquo应变&rdquo设计      4.4.1 应变核      4.4.2 生长空间      4.4.3 多样性建筑构件设计    4.5 传统材料及清洁能源的利用      4.5.1 传统材料的特色表达      4.5.2 可再生能源的应用    4.6 本章小结  结论  附录  附录 1:豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造中生态适宜技术应用策略  附录 2:豫北地区&ldquo城中村&rdquo改造实地调研地图示意  附录 3:豫北地区 &ldquo城中村&rdquo改造特色案例解读  附录 4:豫北地区传统民居调研  攻读学位期间发表的学术论文  致谢


